Import Latest File in Google Drive Folder

Import Latest File in Google Drive admins and analysts to import data from Google Drive to a specified database table. Admins/analysts can setup import schedule to sync with data in Google Drive. This feature is similar to Import from Google Spreadsheet.


Here is a quick 3-step process for querying the latest file in your drive's folder in Holistics. It requires you to import data to a reporting SQL database

ETL for Google Folder

1. Set up a data source to allow data import

Set up your SQL database to allow write access for a given data source. Please have a lSQLook at our docs on how to connect your database to Holistics.

2. Set up files in Google Drive

Holistics imports the most recently modified file in the specified Google Drive. Supported file types include csv, Google Spreadsheet and Excel (.xlsx).

For scheduled import, please upload the data file to Google Drive before scheduled time.

3. Create a new data import

Click on 'Data Import' link on the left side menu. Data import list shows up.

Data Import List

Click on 'Add new data import' button. The new data import page opens up.

From the left side form, specify title, check source type "Latest File in Google Folder", destination data source, destination schema name and table name. Schedule (optional) can also be specified.

Copy and paste Google Drive Folder URL into the right "Source input" text box.

New Data Import

4. Validate input and destination table structure

Click on the 'Validate' button below the text box to run and validate the Google Drive Folder URL. If this is the first time the feature is used, you may need to click on the browser's "Allow Popup" button to allow authentication with Google.

Once authentication with Google is finished, Holistics will proceed to download the file and validate it. If there is no error, a 'Preview' button also becomes available. Toggle it to show/hide preview data generated from the query.

The column definitions are also automatically generated from the result of the downloaded file. The data type of each column can be modified as you see fit.


5. Schedule/Execute data import

Schedules for current data import can be modified under Schedules header on the left side panel. Optionally, data import can be executed manually by clicking on 'Execute' link for that import from the list.

6. View data import status from job list

Once a import has executed, either manually or based on its schedules, a new job corresponds to one execution of that import will be created to track its progress. User can click on the refresh icon next to 'Job History' title from import list page to refresh the job list.

Job History

User can also click on 'Logs' link to view the detailed logs of each job execution.

Job Logs