Funnel Chart


Funnel charts are great for representing the stages of a process and their respective performances, and has often been used to represent the sales conversion process and the proportional quantities of each stage. A significantly larger segment in a funnel chart typically indicates a bottleneck at that given stage, which may be blocking the flow of opportunities through the funnel.

How to Build: Funnel chart


Run your SQL query that returns 2 columns. The columns of values used for the x and y-axis are required to generate the chart. We specify the data types of the columns within the 'Format Columns' section of the Report Editor. In this example, the 'Activity' column uses the string data type, and the 'values' column uses the number data type.


Access the Visualization Editor at the bottom of the report editor screen, and select the 'Funnel' chart option button. Under 'General', specify which column will be on the x-axis, such as the 'Activity' column, and the column that will appear on the y-axis, such as the 'values' column. Remember to specify how you want the labels to appear on your funnel chart; e.g. whether you want just the data label to appear, or both the tooltip and data label to appear on your chart.
