Column Chart


Column charts are by and large similar to bar charts, only differing in their presentation as vertical rectangular columns, hence the name! Column charts are used for representing discrete data measures by categories, and can also be visualized as unstacked or stacked columns to convey cumulative values.

How to Build: Column chart


Run your SQL query that returns at least 2 columns. In this example, we have 5 columns of values, with 1 'Week' column and 4 columns of hotel room types. We specify the data types of the columns within the 'Format Columns' section of the Report Editor. In this example, the 'Week' column uses the date data type, while the hotel room type columns of 'Deluxe Double', 'Deluxe Twin', 'Club Double' and 'Club Twin' all use the number data type.


Access the Visualization Editor at the bottom of the Report Editor screen, and select the 'Column' chart option button. Under 'General', specify which column will be on the x-axis, such as the 'Week' column which uses date values, and the columns that are to appear on the y-axis. Remember to specify if the column chart is stacked or unstacked, by selecting the 'Column chart stacking' checkbox under the 'Series' section of the Visualization Editor.
