Connecting Holistics to Amazon AWS Athena

The following steps will help you setup connection to your Athena Instance. Please ensure that you have an Amazon IAM account, and an S3 bucket.

Step 1: Create an Holistics User in Amazon IAM Console

Add a user with 'Programmatic Access' in Amazon IAM Console.

New User

Allow this user full access to Athena API: AmazonAthenaFullAccess.


Or a custom policy with full access to Athena, and List, Read, Write to the source S3 bucket.

Custom Policy

Step 2: Add AWS Athena Data Source

Create an Athena database using AWS Athena Console.

New Database

Visit New Data Source. Select AWS Athena data source type. Fill in Region, Database Name, Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, and Result Bucket.

  • Region: AWS region hosting Athena database, source file S3 buckets, and query result S3 bucket.
  • Database Name: Athena database name
  • Access Key ID and Secret Access Key are from the Amazon account you created in Step 1.
  • Database Name: the Athena database you just setup, all queries are sent to this database.
  • Result Bucket: all Athena query results are stored in this bucket, the current Amazon account should be able to access this bucket. Please see AWS Athena docs for more details.

New AWS Athena

Step 3: Setup your Athena Instance for Querying

First, you need to create Athena table to be used as schema-on-read during query execution, please refer to AWS Athena docs for more details. You can use our query editor in Non-select query mode.

New AWS Athena

Then you can build report, view results, and make charts.