
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and with Holistics, we help you to find the right visualizations to convey the clearest information and most insightful ideas with your data, so you can make the best decisions.

We have compiled a list of some of the most common visualizations and chart types used in Holistics, to help you figure which ones to use to convey the information stored in your data.

Additional Chart Settings

You can easily custom your chart such as choose column to display at x or y-axis, select logarithmic scale, set types or change color charts ...

  • General Custom
  • Managing y-axis
  • Managing Series
  • Advanced Custom

General Custom

You can choose columns to display at x, y-axis or set start y-axis with 0 ... in General tab

Managing y-axis

You can set title, align or choose scale type for your chart in Axis tab

Managing Series

You can choose chart types or colors which you want in Series tab

Advanced Custom

Customize your chart with our Chart's DSL in Advanced tab.


Logarithmic scale:

Set chart types and colors: