Holistics Report View

This section describes a quick overview of the report view page.

It consists of the following sections:

  • Basic Options: All authorized users have options to download the report data and chart in different formats
  • Additional Options: Features and additional options available for admins and analysts (not available to business user)
  • Report Errors: The view when there is an error in the report query.

Basic Options

The report view and options available is different between admin/authorized analysts and business users.

Business users only have basic options to view and download data from reports that are shared to them (or their user groups). They can

  1. Download the report data as Excel/CSV
  2. Email report to yourself
  3. Download report chart in various formats

Download Charts Dropdown

Features and Additional Options

Admins and authorized Analysts have additional features and options available in their report view on top of the basic report options.

Report View - Dropdown Options

Under the report view page, click on the gear icon near the top right of your report to set the following options.

  • Drilldowns: Link records from this report to another child report.
  • Schedule Emails Reports and/or alerts to track changes in your data.
  • Impersonate: Preview how a specific business user will see when they view the report URL based on their data access rights.

Quick Edit - Report Options

  • Share Report: Share reports with user(s) or user group(s).
  • Edit Report: Goes to the report creation/edit screen to make changes to the report.
  • Clone Report: Creates a new separate copy of the existing report and goes to report edit/creation screen.
  • Delete Report: Removes the report.
  • Show Query (or Debug mode below query results): Shows the final SQL query used to generate the table results/sets and detailed job information.
  • Bust (Report) Cache: Holistics cache report results-set for 30 min by default (unless it's turned off) from the time the report is first accessed (not created). Running a report after busting your report cache will refresh your query based on the latest data.

Quick Edit - Filter Options

Hover your mouse pointer over any individual filter, and you will see a gear icon displayed. Click on the gear icon and you can set the following filter options.

Report View - Dropdown Options

  • Settings: Change the default value for the specific filter.
  • Move Left/Right: Move the filter left/right
  • Remove Filter: Remove the filter from the report
  • Bust (Filter) Cache: Filters in Holistics are cached automatically on a schedule. Busting the cache allows you to refresh your filter values and retrieves new records from the time since you've cached your filter.

Report Errors

When the report fails to load, an error message will be displayed as below

Report View - Report Error

The report viewer will have the option to notify the report owner (analyst who created the report). When the button is clicked on, Holistics will send an email notification to the report owner.

Expanded Item View

For report with long resultset, you can toggle between table-view (default mode) and detailed view per record.

This is helpful for report with long list of columns, and you want to browse through each item one by one.