Alias in SQL
SQL Aliases are basically used as a short way to refer to a table, view, subquery or column. Use alias when you want to avoid repeating the long table names.
The general syntax is:
SELECT column_name AS alias_name
FROM table_name alias_name
WHERE condition
- Alias for table/view/subquery is meant to reduce the number of typing required, thus cleaner code
- Alias for column is meant for renaming the column headers for better readability
Example of SQL Alias
Instead of the below long query that keeps referring to the 2 table names
users.first_name || ' ' || users.last_name,
from tbl_users, tbl_user_info
where = tbl_user_info.user_id
It can be simplified as:
U.first_name || ' ' || U.last_name AS full_name,
from tbl_users U, tbl_user_info I
where = I.user_id
Alias for Subquery
In some language like MySQL, MariaDB PostgreSQL, when using subquery with FROM clause, it's compulsory for the subquery to have alias.
The below will throw error:
select count(1) from (
select * from users
ERROR: 42601: subquery in FROM must have an alias
To fix it, simply alias the sub-query being used:
select count(1) from (
select * from users
) S