Data Transforms For Faster Reporting

Holistics Data Transforms helps you to turn long running report queries into practically instant reports, by materializing a query result as a data table in your database.

Sometimes, even well built queries can take many minutes if not hours to run, depending on the results that you want to retrieve. With data transforms, you can avoid long query waiting times, and even schedule the transformation jobs to run ahead of time, so your fresh results are ready whenever you need.


Here is a quick three step process for running Data Transform jobs in Holistics.

Step 1: Ensure your database allows write access for a given data source; setting up separate schema that allows write access is recommended. Create a data transformation job, and specify the destination table settings and schedule. Insert the long running query that you would like to materialize as a data table into the text box, and validate the query. Transform query


Step 2: If there is no query error, you can then preview the columns of your destination data table. The column definitions are automatically generated from the result of the query, and the data type of each column can be modified as you see fit. Once the table structure has been validated, you can save the Data Transform job. Transform validate


Step 3: Your Data Transform job is ready to go! You can wait for the job to run at the scheduled time, or alternatively, the transformation job can be executed manually by clicking on its 'Execute' link in the Transform List. You can refer to the Job History tab and refresh the page to check the status of the transformation job, the job log will provide you with detailed information on the individual steps and time taken. In the event that the Data Transform job fails, you will be notified immediately. Transform log


For more detailed information, please have a look at our supporting documentation on Data Transforms.