Slice And Combine Google Analytics Data

Holistics is able to import, combine and query Google Analytics data together with data from multiple data sources and SQL databases, using a "hidden feature" in Google Sheets that allows you to easily import Google Analytics data into your database.


By installing the Google Analytics add-on to Google Sheets, you are then able to specify the dimensions and metrics you require as a report inside Google Sheets. You can even schedule the frequency for this data report to be updated, so you can always pull fresh Google Analytics data into Holistics. Ga addon


Using Holistics, we then built SQL queries that combined the Google Analytics data with existing tables from our own data sources and data warehouse, to build more complete reports that go deeper into what drives the business. Ga chart


For more information on how to use the Data Imports feature with Google Sheets in Holistics, please have a look at our supporting documentation on using data imports.