Import New Google Drive Folder Data Into Tables

Using Google Drive shared folders, Holistics Data Imports is able to import data from the most recently added CSV or Excel files inside the shared folder, and incrementally add this data into existing database tables.


Once you've configured the shared settings of your Google Drive folder, such that anyone with the shared link is able to edit and view the files in the folder, you are then ready to begin importing your first spreadsheet file from the Google folder into your connected database. Folder share link


Under Data Imports, simply select 'Latest File in Google Folder' as your Import Source option, paste the shared link for your Google Folder, and 'Validate Source' to verify that your data file has been detected by the Holistics platform. Folder import settings


You can then specify the destination database as the Data Source, your Schema Name of choice, and the Table Name you prefer for the new table. As we will be incrementally adding additional data from files inside the shared Google folder, select the Incremental/Upsert sync configuration, and indicate the Increment Column that registers the incremental values such as the date, and the Primary Key which should be a unique value, so that outdated rows can be replaced on subsequent Incremental Import jobs that run. Folder sync config


If required, set a scheduled frequency for how often this Incremental Import job should occur, which can be every few minutes, hours, days, weeks or months and so on. You can also specify the data types, for how you want the data to be stored and formatted in the new destination table. Once you're ready, validate the sync configuration and save the job. Your Google folder Data Import job is now ready to go!


You can either wait for the job to run at its scheduled time, or you can click on 'Execute' for the job to run immediately. Once the job has completed successfully, you can click on the link to the desination table under the 'Destination' column, to view your new database table. Now that the import job is configured and scheduled to run repeatedly, as long as the newer data file is stored inside the shared Google folder before the import job runs again (be it executed manually or as scheduled), the updated data will be incrementally added to the same database table for you to query and use for your analysis. Folder incremental


For more in-depth information on how Incremental Imports handles data records, please have a look at our supporting documentation on incremental imports.